Had some time this weekend to make some updates to my plugin. Things are coming along, however remember that this plugin is still a work in progress and not approved for production. Use at your own risk.
What’s different w/ this version?
– Bug fix showing an incorrect error message when successfully activating a user on the waiting list.
– Biggest change is now there’s a control panel in the backend that allows you to (1) change general settings, including the ability to assign the number of activations allowed per user and (2) recent activations, which is something i plan on turning into something bigger later (right now it just shows last 100 activated people).
I welcome feedback and comments as always (for more of a backstory and what the plugin actually does see my last blog post).
Following the “just launch it” mantra!
Click here to download Community Activate v0.2.0 for BuddyPress.