July 16, 2016
Update: My slides for this talk are located here: http://www.slideshare.net/dimensionmedia/buddypress-higher-education
Today i’m giving a presentation on BuddyPress and Higher Education at the inaugural WPCampus event in Sarasota, Florida. In addition to seeing me in the flesh, WPCampus has a live stream available today as well.
To make things more interesting (at least for me), I built a web app using WordPress that allows people to “rate” my talk as I give it using emojis. Regardless if you are physically at the event or watching the livestream.
My talk starts at 11:15am EST. Here’s the link to the one-page “app” (which is just an extension of conferencia.io):
http://mytalk.rocks/9 (Yes, I bought the domain name. Never thought I would buy a domain name with an extension like .rocks)
Rating is easy: whenever you want, click on the heart, thumbs up, laughing, or clap emoji. I record these in real time and sometime after my talk i’ll put together a timeline and see what parts of my talk people rated me the most (and how they rated).
If you actually use this app, make sure you refresh the page right before my talk just in case i add any last minute coding tweaks.
As with many things that I do, this was built with WordPress, BuddyPress, and various other plugins (mostly custom written by yours truly).
Copyright ©2023 David Bisset