July 23, 2013
Not sure if anyone was using the term “Armchair WordCampers” before me, but I’ve been using the term on Twitter when there are WordCampers you can monitor online. Monitoring WordCamps online isn’t close to being at the event, but some conferences have great coverage. Both pictures and useful/humorous tweets. Monitoring a conference via hashtag is ok, but not the best experience for many conferences. You might miss some action happening on other social networks, plus watching TweetDeck make my eyes go nuts.
So I keep working on my “wparmchair” theme, which had it’s beginnings as the WordPress 10th Anniversary site. It existed prior to that in various forms too.
In any case, I bought wparmchair.com and hosted WordCamp Seattle’s social presence (with blessing from organizers) this year. Now i’ve upgraded the theme a bit for WordCamp San Francisco. Here’s the site.
Here’s the improvement, in case anyone cares or is watching:
This site or concept isn’t meant to replace live streaming – mainly those already glued to their social media streams. I encourage anyone not physically attending WordCamp San Francisco to buy a live stream sticket. And maybe drop in on Armchair WordCampers too.
Note: Keep in mind things are in “beta”. At times, i’m wearing a pink sombrero. I can see the site fine (minus nav bar issues) on an iPhone. Don’t judge.
Copyright ©2023 David Bisset